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Taking Bangladesh to the future ROBOLUTION!

Through the development of innovative technologies, we aim to solve major social issues in our country. Besides being a business company, we also strive to be creative and encourage our engineers to develop new technologies, which they will later publish in top-notch research venues as part of their contributions. We have so far completed three robotic projects, four international publications, and ten websites for our clients. We are a company funded and supported by the Bangladesh ICT Ministry through iDEA Bangladesh.

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Prototype Robot

To See Our Developed Prototype

  • Emergence Lab Prototype

    Emergence Lab

    Mini Nurse-Bot: A Healthcare Assistance for Elderly People

    n this study, an Arduino based mini nurse robot has been developed for assisting elderly people. Bangladesh which is a low income developing country has 7% of its total population of elderly people (60+ age) [8]. Elderly people are often neglected in this

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  • Emergence Lab Prototype

    Emergence Lab

    SHEBA: A Low-Cost Assistive Robot for Older Adults in the Developing World

    Maintaining independence and dignity is a primary goal of successful aging for older adults around the globe. Robots can support this goal in various ways by assisting everyday tasks that become challenging due to aging-related deterioration in physical a

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Nurse Bot Sheba

The development ofhealthcare-focused robots tailored for elderly care in Bangladesh.

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Assistive Robot for Older Adults in the Developing World

In response to the growing demand for advanced healthcare solutions, our start-upis dedicated to developing cutting-edge robots uniquely designed for the specific needs of the elderly population in Bangladesh.Leveraging the power of IoT technology, our initiative aims to revolutionize the healthcare sector by introducing state-of-the-artrobotic assistance. Our focus on precision engineering and user-centric design ensures that these robots seamlessly integrate into thehealthcare ecosystem, providing personalized and efficient care for elderly individuals. With a commitment to addressing the uniquechallenges faced by the aging population in Bangladesh, our innovative solutions are poised to enhance the quality of life for seniors.

  • Madicine on time.

  • No compromise with health.

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Benefits & Importance

An assistive robot for Elder Persons.

  • This bot can detect its users & their locations through signal device like a wristwatch tied to the hand
  • It can serve medicines with water to its users on time.
  • It can also detect the risk of a heart attack.
  • If any of the users is at risk of heart failure, it immediately alerts the responsible doctor or guardian
  • This device includes an ECG capability
History Of Emergence Lab

A group of three undergraduate students studying CSE in their 4th year developed robots for their CSE299: Junior Capstone Project under the guidance of Ms. Tamanna Motahar in 2018. At that time, Dibya Prokash Sarkar (CEO), and Md. Atiqul Islam (COO) with some technical experience in hardware, decided to take on challenges, which eventually inspired them to begin a business start-up to create a Digital Bangladesh. It was in January 2022 that the company started its journey. In June 2022, the iDEA Bangladesh (supported by the Bangladesh Ministry of Information and Communication Technology) selected our innovative but ambitious project idea and provided funding.

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Through the development of innovative technologies, we aim to solve major social issues in our country. Besides being a business company, we also strive to be creative and encourage our engineers to develop new technologies, which they will later publish in top-notch research venues as part of their contributions. We have so far completed three robotic projects, four international publications, and ten websites for our clients. We are a company funded and supported by the Bangladesh ICT Ministry through iDEA Bangladesh.

Our Team

Contact Us

If you are interested to know more about our company, feel free to contact us. You can find us 24/7.